Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Missing Wife

A man goes into the police station and says he wants to file a missing person's report. The officer at the desk asks him what his relationship to the missing person is and he says it's his wife. The officer asks when the last time the man saw his wife and he replied that it had been three days. The officer asked if she had ever been missing like this before ane the man said no. Then the officer asked if the two of them had an argument and the man replied,

"I'm not really sure...she had just told me the other day that we had to cut back on expenses, and that I had to give up drinking beer. I was not a big drinker maybe a six pack on the occasional weeknight and maybe a 12 pack on weekends. Anyway, I gave it up but then I noticed the other day she came home from grocery shopping and I looked at the receipt and saw she had bought $45 worth of makeup!

So I said, "Wait a minute, that's not fair, I've given up beer and you haven't given up anything!"

She said, "But this wasn't just for me, I bought that makeup for you, so I can look pretty for you."

So I told her, "Hell, that's what the BEER was for!!!" --and that's when she left the house..."

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