Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Working the High Beams

Two construction workers are working the high beams. One is on the third floor, one on the first.

The guy on the third floor needs a handsaw, but with all the noise from the construction, the guy on the first can't hear him. He yells and yells, but the guy on the first floor can't hear him.

So the guy on the third floor decides to use hand signals. He points to his eye for "I", he points to his knee for "need," thenmoves his hands back and forth for "handsaw."

The guy on the first floor drops his pants and starts masturbating.

The guy on the third floor gets mad and runs down to the first floor and says, "What the hell are you doing! All I wanted was a handsaw!"

The guy on the first floor says, "Yeah, I just wanted to tell you I was coming."

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