Saturday, April 15, 2006

Not a Sin

"Father", the man at confession says,"Forgive me for I have sinned. The other day I saw me wife bent over the freezer an' I was overcome with lust, I was, Father, an' I had me evil and wicked way with her there an' then, I did, Father."

"This was your own wife you are talking about is it my son?" asks the priest.

"Aye Father, it was."

"Well then, my son, you have not committed any sin at all," replies the priest.

"Are ye sure, Father?"

"Of course I'm sure. You are allowed to give way to your carnal desires with your own wife," the priest reassures him.

"So, I'll still get into heaven then?" asks the man.

"Yes, of course you will," says the priest.

"An' I'll still be allowed into Church?" asks the man.

"Of course. You will be most welcome," replies the priest.

"Oh. Thank goodness," says the man, "'cos I don’t think they'll let me in Wal-Mart again!"

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